How did this project start?
I created this project for myself as I have struggled with ADHD and intense focus issues my whole life. I decided to pursue creating a production quality application for distribution to everyone else who shares similar issues.
What problem does Bibler solve?
Bibler solves the problem of both desiring to engage with long-form complex media while having the inability to do so. Whether this inability is caused by ADHD/Autism or has arisen out of habituation, Bibler seeks to provide a unique solution for those with focus or working memory issues in their pursuit of engaging with the Bible.
Why are you doing this?
I feel called to do so.
If this app works will you consider expanding it to all books?
Yes, absolutely! Accessibility is the project.
How do I make a donation on behalf of my congregation?
Please leave the information for the congregation on the donation page to be recognized as a collective donation!
Is Bibler a charity?
No, as Bibler is currently a solo project it is ineligible for non-profit or charitable status. Bibler may become a charity in the future. Bibler is reliant on donations but due to the inability to give tax receipts fundraising focuses on small donations.
Does that mean I will pay tax on donations?
Yes. Bibler may become a non-profit after launch should there be appropriate conditions and trustworthy people to do so. Want to possibly be part of this? Feel free to reach out.
When will Bibler be released?
Aiming for basic version that complies with all necessary security requirements Q2 2026 though may be able to finish earlier if I am able to work on it full time.
How can I get involved?
At the moment Bibler needs some funds, I am unable to take more time off work or cover all the development costs. When the project is closer to launch I will be looking for volunteers for aspects of beta testing, design development, etc. Please leave your email on our ‘Get Involved’ page if you are interested in this. In the meantime I would hugely appreciate if you shared the project with someone you think would find it interesting!
Can young volunteers get a letter of recommendation for university and job applications?
Which version of the Bible does Bibler use?
Starting out Bibler will use the King James Version but will add a multitude of options across multiple languages as time progresses and resource permitting. Please feel free to reach out to request a specific version be included.